Transgender Day of Visibility
For a good bit of time now today has been internationally recognized as Transgender Day of Visibility. Yet it is nice to see our VP Kamala Harris supporting trans visibility; making today an official day for American transgender citizens to SHINE!
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However if today isn’t your day to come out and be visible, don’t worry about it. You are not obligated to and no one is forcing you to try and figure your -ish out. (click to expand)
But for me, I am so proud to be VISIBLE for those who can’t be. I am going to SHINE for you today with this glow up! 5 years on T and 3 years post top surgery. (click to expand)
I am visible for those who can’t be because SO many trans folks are not free to be themselves publicly; whether it is out of self inflicted fears or real environmental threats of safety. All of us trans and non-binary folks have to grapple with those two sentiments to some degree, as well as much more underneath the surface. Pink News summarizes that well for us… (click to expand)
Check out these other Transgender Day of Visibility posts by some of my favorite transgender content creators: Cat, Schuyler Bailar, Chris Mosier, and Blossom C. Brown (click to expand)
Transgender Visibility is so affirming, yet it isn’t enough. We need ACTION when it comes to fighting back against our current political attack, summarized well by The Nation…(click to expand)
ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union puts this all plain and simply. If consider yourself an ally and you’re reading this then go take actionable steps on their website NOW. (click to expand)
Let’s use Trans Day of Visibility to go deeper into the issues that transgender individuals face. Trans Law Center has put together excellent slides depicting some of our current issues…(click to expand)
Looking for more content?
Read my article “Transgender Equality in Sport”
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Take Action against anti-trans legislature!